Last week I had the privilege of both advocating for our industry on Capitol Hill and discussing the planting of 100 trees with our nonprofit partner Flannel River. Both actions got me thinking about the importance of relationships -- a core value for Tamarack and one of the primary reasons I founded the company 23 years ago.

This was my twelfth year traveling to D.C. with ELFA’s annual Capitol Connections conference to discuss current policy issues with representatives, senators and their staff members (cue Schoolhouse Rock’s “I’m Just a Bill” here!). I led my team of six to ask members of Congress to support the Small LENDER Act, which will reduce some of the burden of Section 1071 reporting requirements for financial institutions and small businesses.

But not all data is numeric. In fact, I was surprised with how our data team answered the question “What percentage of the data we manage is numeric vs. text?” I have always thought of equipment finance as an accounting-based industry, so I expected the answer to be “90% numbers.” The consensus was that 75% of the data we manage is text. There are a lot of names and descriptions associated with each number.

Upon returning home, I talked with Matt Chaplinski at Flannel River about meeting up to plant 100 tamarack trees in lowlands along the Rush River in western Wisconsin. With a mission to promote access to nature while also sustaining it, the nonprofit’s tree-planting efforts will help improve the habitat along the stream in years to come.

Relationships, whether cultivated in the halls of Congress or along the banks of a trout stream, require planning and nurturing. Just as the effort of caring for these trees will impact both people and our environment, regular dialogue with lawmakers helps us maintain connections, share concerns and plan for the future.

I hope you’ll take some time to nurture the relationships important to you.

Written by

Daniel Nelson

Founder & CEO, Board Member

Founder and CEO of Tamarack Technology, Daniel Nelson is well-versed in the challenges and opportunities facing lessors and lenders. A recognized industry expert, Nelson has spent his entire career working exclusively within the equipment finance and commercial lending industry.


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