Since being issued in March 2023, Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act has prompted a lot of discussion about its implications for institutions serving the equipment finance industry. In this Trail Mix installment, we’ll provide a quick overview of what you need to know about Section 1071.
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The Amazon Prime television show “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” recently re-introduced me to concept of matchmakers. The show’s plotline begins with Mrs. Maisel’s mother, Rose, launching a business as a New York City matchmaker. This intrigued me because the challenges she faced seemed very much like those I have come to understand working with and around brokers in equipment finance.
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How do you define innovation? This was the initial question posed by moderator Scott Nelson during the March 3, 2022, Monitor Live+ Panel: Creating a Future for Your Company. In presenting the question, Nelson used the Peter Drucker’s definition to lead off the discussion. “Innovation is an effect in economy and society, a change in the behavior of customers, of teachers, of farmers, of doctors, of people in general”
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